The biggest problems in your business are wearing shoes.

Organizational Benchmarking

Dysfunctional hiring processes create dysfunctional organizations.

Remove the guesswork, speed up the process and build the team you deserve.

Why Benchmark?

A strong team is mandatory for a thriving organization.

Your product or service, client experience and company culture are reflections of your people.

Hiring the wrong person costs a minimum of 30% of the annual salary of the position, according to the US Department of Labor. That’s a minimum of $17,700, based on the average US salary of $58,760!

Factor in the missed opportunity costs of unfilled and/or underperforming positions and the true cost balloons significantly.

Benchmarking will save your business time and money, while eliminating much of the frustration and uncertainty associated with the hiring process.

What is Benchmarking?

Benchmarking is a proprietary, scientifically-backed methodology that creates the ideal candidate profile.

The process begins with ensuring  that roles have concisely defined responsibilities.  

The result is absolute clarity on the role, responsibilities and desired outcome of the position.

Next, key members of your team take an assessment survey.

This assesses the job itself, identifying the behavior styles which best suit the previously defined responsibilities.

This behavior profile, which removes bias and provides an entirely objective view of a candidate’s suitability, can then be compared to the behavioral assessments of the applicants themselves.


Who is it for?

Benchmarking is ideal for businesses looking for an efficient, repeatable and predictable process to attract and retain high performing people.

When completed  for your key roles, those positions that cripple a business when vacant, the Benchmark serves as an evergreen template to accelerate filling those seats. It also serves as a blueprint  to scale a department within your organization with predictable outcomes.

Our Team

Nicole Lane

  • Certified behavior consultant and Chief Revenue Officer (CRO).
  • Expertise in Organizational Leadership and corporate training.
  • Adept communicator with certifications in DISC, Driving Forces, and Emotional Intelligence.
  • Passionate about optimizing teams for growth and profitability.

Dan Sherwood

  • Experienced Business Owner with a background in sales across the U.S., Europe, and Asia.
  • Former college athlete and dedicated coach.
  • Hosted a popular podcast and coached numerous business owners to success.
  • Authentic and candid approach to business coaching.